Last Day, We installed redis, you can make it sure by using the command
/opt/redis/bin/redis-cli -p 6379 info
There’re so many informations listed. Be patient, we’re going to talk about it later.
OK, you can go to the ( is faster!!) to check all the data structure supported
and the proper commands for each type. It may takes you a lot of time to get familiar to
these commands, but, don’t worry about that, we can learn when we need,
just remember the web address is fine.
Today, we’re going to build a master-slave structure, which the slave will auto sync the
data that changed of the master.
First, Copy config file and reconfig.
Go to the redis etc path copy the config a new one
cd /opt/redis/etc/
cp redis.conf redis_slave.conf
and reconfig the new one, pay attention to the following params:
daemonize yes
pidfile /data/redis/run/
port 7379
logfile “/opt/redis/log/redis-7379.log”
dbfilename dump_7379.rdb
dir /data/redis/data/redis_7379/
slaveof 6379 # add a new one to make this redis instance a slave of
create a new path
mkdir -p /opt/redis/data/redis_7379
Second, Start the new redis instance.
start this redis instance with the bash command yesterday:
/opt/redis/bin/ 7379
Third, Check If M-S works.
write something into redis master:
/opt/redis/bin/redis-cli -p 6379 set s_server “new ms server”
read from redis slave:
/opt/redis/bin/redis-cli -p 7379 get s_server
if you get “new ms server” returned, congratulations!
So, do some more test yourself~